

소꿍님께서 며칠전 추천글에 올려주셨던

기염뽀짝한 헤어로 심을 만들어봤습니당😆

사실 ,, 진작 다운받고 심도 만들었었는데

요즘 더위를 먹었는지 ,, 심즈를 오랫동안 못하겠더라구요😭

일 - 잠 - 일 - 잠 반복하다 겨우 벗어나서 올려봅네당


I downloaded this really cute hair,

and had to create a sim for it!

(Found this hair from Sokkung's cc finds!)

Actaully it was done few days ago,

but I felt so exhausted these days and couldn't play Sims for too long.

Work - sleep - work - sleep was my routine 

probably because it's toooo hot outside 😩

Now I feel better, so I'm posting it!







'album' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Screenshot] Sooha 🌱  (0) 2021.08.17
[Screenshot] Cute Cute 💘  (0) 2021.08.09
[Screenshot] Summer 2021 🌴  (0) 2021.07.14
[Screenshot] Leon and Mathilda 레옹과 마틸다 🕶️  (0) 2021.07.05
[Render] First Time Rendering 첫 렌더링 ✨  (0) 2021.06.23