25 Day Lookbook Challenge
Day 3 : Bridesmaids (Destination Wedding Guest)
Model : Juniper, Emma, Hannah, Nicole, Sophie (Left to right)
이번 챌린지의 주제는 야외 결혼식장 게스트인데
야외 결혼식하니 바다가 제일 먼저 떠오르고
바로 다음으로 브라이드메이드가 떠올라서
구글에 검색했더니 너무 너무 예쁜 사진들이 좌르륵 😍
열심히 아이디어 얻고 사알짝 바꾼 주제로 룩북을 만들었습니다!
브라이드메이드 포즈가 많을 줄 알았는데
생각보다 없어서 (제가 못찾는걸수도) 포즈까지 만드느라 ,,
이번 룩북은 조금 늦었어요 💦
점점 늦어지면 우짤꼬 ,, 올해안에 챌린지 끝날 수 있으려나 ,,
As soon as I checked today's topic, Destination Wedding Guest,
the first thing that came up in my mind was beach, then bridesmaid!
Got lots of ideas by searching images from google.
Sooo many amazing and cute pictures! 😍
However, there wasn't many Sims 4 poses for bridesmaids.
(maybe it's just me who's bad at finding things 😅)
So I made my own poses and took longer time to post today's lookbook.
Little worried because it's taking longer and longer time to create a lookbook.
Hope I finish this challange this year.
💐 Pose by thesimkung 💐
위 다섯명 그룹 포즈는 제가 만든 포즈인데
너무 늦지않게 룩북을 올리고싶은 맘에
포즈를 2셋밖에 못만들어서 ,,
수정도 제대로 해주고 포즈도 몇개 더 추가해서
이번 달 안에 가져오도록 할게요!
5 Sims poses are made by me.
I didn't want to postpone this lookbook anymore
so I roughly finished only 2 sets of poses. I still need to edit.
I will add some more poses as well and distribute it by this month!
💐 Pose by Glitterberry Sims 💐
신부빼고 4명이서도 한장 찍어줬어용!
드레스도 이쁘고 부케도 너무 예뻐요 ,, 😭
Picture without bride!
Dresses and bouquets are all beautiful! 💘
⬇️ 눌러서 다운! Click to download!
💐 부케 Rose Mix Bouquet by Lena Sims
쥬니퍼 Juniper
💐 헤어 Briana Hair by aharris00britney
💐 드레스 White Clover Embroidered Gown by RUSTY
💐 신발 Louboutin Bianca Shoes by DallasGirl [Zip File - Merged]
💐 귀걸이 Mina Earrings by alexaarr
엠마 Emma
💐 헤어 Goddess Hair by simcelebrity00
💐 드레스 Claire Dress by BEO creations [Long Dress]
💐 꽃 Sanguine Rose Accessory by Weepingsimmer [Small]
해나 Hannah
💐 헤어 Daisy Hair by CAROL (forestsims)
💐 드레스 Wedding Dress 06 by BEO creations
💐 귀걸이 Earring 04 by YUNSEOL
💐 목걸이 M Jewelry II by RUSTY
💐 면사포 Daisy Veil by candycottonchu
니콜 Nicole
💐 헤어 Sola Hair by The Plumbob Tea Society [Pick N' Choose]
💐 드레스 Butterflies Wedding Dress by BEO creations
💐 귀걸이 Heart Earrings by Mach [Ver. A]
소피 Sophie
💐 헤어 & 꽃 Alyssa Hair & Flower by aharris00britney
💐 드레스 Redouté Dress by Miiko
💐 신발 Moonrise Sandal Pumps by DallasGirl
💐 귀걸이 Pretty Please Earrings by CHRISTOPHER67
문제가 있거나 빠진 아이템이 있다면 꼭 알려주세요!
Please let me know if there's any problem or missing item!
💐 챌린지 정보 Challenge Info 💐